about me:
Guenter Filzwieser
Free work without an assignment
I’m an artist/photo/multimedia - specialised in urban street style.
My work reflects the beauty in the ordinary (life of people).
Art for me is implementing a visual thought into reality & to be completely honest, black & white is color enough.
„The best camera is the one you have with you.“
Quote: (Eliott Erwitt).
„There are pictures that fail. But I don't take photos to put them in the drawer.
They should be seen. I don't care if you love her or not.“
Quote: (Helmut Newton)
„I trust the same creative process that has been tried and tested
by thousands of generations of artists before me. Patience.“
Quote: (David duCemin)
"An artist is someone who creates works of art as part of an artistic activity in the fields of
visual arts, performing arts, music, literature or in one of their contemporary forms
in particular photography, film art, multimedia art, literary translation, sound art."
Quote: (Definition of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce)
Image Description / Artistic Approach:
ART-Award 2025 in the category “Photo and Multimedia” is.
Image Description:
The image depicts a young female boxer with a determined gaze, her hands held close to her face in a defensive stance.
Her focus and strength are palpable, yet the image itself appears old and damaged, transformed into a scratched black-and-white negative.
The scratches and imperfections emphasize transience and an unfinished state.
The title “unfinished” highlights that both the boxer and the image are in a process of becoming.
The tension between youthful energy and an aged visual aesthetic suggests that perfection is unattainable.
Ultimately, the transformation conveys the idea that no image is ever truly “finished”—neither technically nor in its meaning.
The concept is to embrace imperfection and find a deeper, more emotional truth in its unfinished nature.
Invitation to the opening of the photo exhibition
"Without face"
An exhibition by the members of the professional association
visual artists of Austria, Vienna regional office,
Lower Austria and Burgenland and the Gauermann Museum.
Friday, February 9, 2024, at 7:00 p.m
Gauermann Museum
Scheuchenstein 127
2761 Miesenbach
You can see selected photographs from:
Beatriz HASLER, Friedrich HEININGER, Walter KANOV,
Renée KELLNER, Claudia LA, Johann LUIF, Martin LUISI,
Christine TODT and panto TRIVKOVIC
Welcome: Mag. Andreas Enne
Chairman of the Gauermann art and cultural association
The curator of the exhibition, Ing., will speak about the exhibition.
Panto Trivkovic, head of the photo and section
Multimedia in the professional association of visual artists
Opening: Mayor Wolfgang Stückler
The exhibition is from February 10th to April 21st, 2024
Open on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 10:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m
photos: (c) artboxprojects_official
Certificate of merit for artistic achievements 2022.
The Pinakothek awards this certificate in recognition of his high artistic quality as part of his participation in the competition.
Only the most deserving artists receive this certificate.
June / 2022 / Vienna:
Admitted as a member of the PhG (PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY)
PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, Founded in Vienna in 1861.
The Photographische Gesellschaft (PHG) is the oldest and most traditional society for photography in the German-speaking area.
The PHG brings together personalities from art and science and, above all,
promotes young people and the latest developments in the field of professional photography.
founded in Vienna 1861 (PHG)
Leyserstr. 6
1140 Vienna
Jan / 2022 / Vienna:
Admission to the professional association of visual artists in Austria.
Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs
Landesverband Wien, NÖ, Bgld.,
Schloss Schönbrunn, Ovalstiege 40, 1130 Wien
Tel: 01/813 52 69,
Mail: berufsvereinigung@art-bv.at
Web: www.art-bv.at
NEWS: Dez / 2021 / Luxembourg:
The Luxembourg Art Prize is an annual international prize organized by the
Pinacothèque a private museum in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.